Financial Monitoring
Our attention to detail comes into its own as we weigh the risks, monitor spend and provide impartial advice to banks, ensuring financial stability throughout the project lifecycle.
Initial Due Diligence Report
Assess the developer’s development budget to establish profitability
Appraise the developer’s team roles and their fees
Appraise the developer’s cost plan
Appraise the contract sum
Comment on the contract documents and contract conditions
Review the collateral warranties
Comment on the planning conditions
Analyse the contractor’s programme
Review the tender report
Comment on the contract insurances, HomeBond cover, etc.
Review the loan conditions and structure
Monitor Progress on Site
Appraise the developer’s cost reports
Appraise the value of interim payment certificates versus work completed on site
Comment on the value of variations and projected final account
Planning condition compliance
Appraise value of work remaining to be done
Highlight any potential risks to the bank